• THG•♣️朝荣♣️     THG潮音乐之 Peach Tree

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    各位魔友,这次真的是好久没更新了,今年小编事情有点多,所以节目更新也就暂停了,在这里给广大喜爱 和支持THG潮音乐的魔友们说一声抱歉。本期THG潮音乐小编给大家带来的是Brazzaville 的 Peach Tree ,大家先来欣赏一下这首旋律超棒,背景音不断抖钥匙的歌曲吧。


    Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔,是刚果的首都,一座美丽的热带城市,这个长长的单词也是乐队的名字——Brazzaville Band

    Brazzaville is an indie pop band founded in 1997 by David Brown. Brown was at one time Beck's saxophonist and took part in recording of Odelay and Midnite Vultures.

    On May 7, 2009, David Brown officially announced the dissolution of the band, stating that he would henceforth be recording and releasing music under the name David Arthur Brown, albeit with "many of the wonderful musicians who have contributed to Brazzaville records." However, June 23, 2009, David once again announced that the band will continue to exist in parallel with a solo career.

    Brazzaville的音乐随意而又浪漫,具有浓烈的地中海气息的Bossa Nova曲风,让听歌的我们好像随时可以拥有一个阳光的午后、一片蔚蓝的海洋。


    Music is our life!


    1970-01-01   46赞       3踩       6179浏览 评论(39)
男 男一号lv47


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