• Fancy呀     Review??

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    1.🍁 Welcome to Hertfordshire ( *`ω´)


    You see the gentleman there. Lady Lucas
    has just told me he’s Mr.Bingley’ s oldest friend.

    His name is Darcy ,and he has a mighty fortune and a estate in Derbyshire,10,000 a year at least. Don’t you think he’s the handsomest man
    you’ve ever seen girls?

    I wonder if he’d be quite handsome
    if he was not quite so rich?

    Oh,Lord!They’re coming over.Smile,girls.Smile.

    Mrs.Bennet Mr.Bingley🌱has expressed to become acquainted with you and your daughters.

    Sir,that is very good of you.
    This is Jane,my eldest. And Elizebeth.
    And Mary sits over there. And Kitty and Lydia,
    my youngest,you see there dancing~

    Do you like to dance yourself?

    There’s nothing l love better, madam.
    And if Miss Bennet is not otherwise engaged,
    may l be so bold as to claim the next two dances?

    I’m not engaged. Good.💕You do us great honor,sir. Thank the gentleman,Jane.

    Mama~ And you, sir.Are you fond of dancing too?

    Oh,l beg your pardon,Mrs.Bennet.
    May l present my friend Mr.Darcy?

    You’re very welcome to Hertfordshire
    l am sure,sir. And l hope you have came here eager to dance as your friend has.

    Thank you ,madam.I rarely dance 💃

    Well,let this be one of the occasions,sir,
    for I wager you’ll not easily find
    such lively music and such pretty partners.

    Oh, pray, excuse me ,madam.


    “I want a brighter word than bright,
    a fairer word than fair .”✨

    🍁Actions speak louder than words~

    🍃Here comes the dazzling jewelry~

    2.Tiffany💎每一段文字紧密衔接 层层递进的高级感 加上璀璨的珠宝 让人眼前一亮💍~

    💍Today, at this very moment,
    high above the main floor
    of Tiffany’s flagship store in New York City,
    are the most gifted hands on earth,
    the master craftsmen of Tiffany&Company.

    It is their patience. It is their exactitude.
    It is their genius in their fingertips
    that sets them apart from all other artisans.

    Here are spellbinding details
    without equal anywhere.

    💎 Their skills and their tools, so often
    passed down from one generation to the next,

    create designs of impossible intricacy
    and exquisite artistry,

    hand-made masterpieces
    that will demand years to complete.

    Rare one-of-a-kind creations
    only possible from Tiffany.

    🎀 All of these will honor Mr.Tiffany’s dream—-💫the perfection of spectacular beauty.

    Dreamers are remarkable people, they touch our lives,they touch our hearts in profound ways.

    Though stark naked, there's a ring on her finger~

    “I like detective stories. And detectives.
    Brainy is the new sexy.” 🌱~

    “Look at those cheekbones.
    I’d cut myself slapping that face.
    Would you like me to try ?”😂


    Now, let’s have some light taste~

    3、绿山雀 (上)诗本身的意境✨
    加上用心的剪辑与配乐 这个片段美得让人感动🍃

    🍒Beneath these fruit-tree boughs that shed
    Their snow white blossoms on my head
    With brightest sunshine round me spread
    Of spring’s unclouded weather.🔅

    In this sequestered nook how sweet
    To sit upon my orchard-seat
    And birds and flowers once more to greet
    My last years friends together 🥂

    One have l marked,the happiest guest
    In all this covert of the blest
    Hail to thee,far above the rest
    In joy of voice and pinions⛱

    Thou, Linnet ! In thy green array
    Presiding spirit here today
    Dost lead the revels of the May
    And this is thy dominion 🍃

    And birds and butterflies and flowers
    Make all one band of paramours
    Thou,ranging up and down the bowers
    Art soul in thy employment 🐾


    “She said don’t you worry if l disappear ...✈️✈️


    Last but not least~欢快的伦敦西区任我行~👯‍♂️

    4. The West End 🧚‍♀️
    真喜欢这个bgm 忍不住跟着sway~哈哈

    ✨The West End ✨
    is one of London’s most
    fashionable and energetic neighborhoods,

    and as it’s name implies,
    it’s located just west of old-town London.

    Chic boutiques , cozy cafes and noisy pubs
    are set in centuries-old buildings
    that line the narrow streets,

    ☂️.everywhere you go ,
    there are people out just having fun.

    Historically, the preserve of
    the rich and well-to-do,
    the West End once offered an escape
    😷 from the smog and the crowds
    of industrial London.

    Nowadays, it’s open to everyone to enjoy,
    and the trendy shops and eateries
    bring in a youthful crowd. 👯‍♂️

    The glowing billboards in Piccadilly Circus
    are the most photographed sights in London.

    🌸. And nearby Trafalgar Square
    is a favorite meeting spot
    with the National Gallery right next door.

    The West End is also
    London’s main theatrical district,
    and attracts stage shows
    from around the world. 🧚‍♀️

    🥂. The bars and restaurants
    along fashionable Carnaby Street,
    hum with theatergoers and crowds
    enjoying pre-show drinks.

    From a once exclusive London getaway ~
    to a bustling retail and entertainment quarter,
    🌱 the West End is now 🌱
    one of the most popular corners of London.


    “ And one fine morning— so we beat on.
    Boats against the current,
    borne back ceaselessly into the past. ”



    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       517浏览 评论(2)
女 女二号lv39


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