• Fancy呀     整理与小结?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    有部分已复习过 但随着魔方秀的逐渐增加
    新的记忆越多 复习任务也更重

    不然非常容易漏默 今天干脆都详细梳理一遍 🙏

    第一篇:《Louise Brealey读信》

    第一部分: 情绪记忆


    一句比较energetic 下一句peaceful一点 来记忆

    Sixth of February, 1945.
    Darling, darling, darling.
    This is what l’ve been waiting for.
    Your freedom left me dumb and choked up
    and now... Now l feel released.

    🔥(关键词 dear)
    Christopher, my dear, dear man.
    It is so so wonderful.
    😌(关键词 careful)
    You’re coming home. Golly!✨
    I shall have to be careful.
    🔥(关键词 excitement)
    This excitement ‘s almost too much for my body.

    😌(关键词 careful)
    You must be careful too, darling,
    all this on top of what you’ve been through.
    🔥(关键词 excited)
    It’s difficult to keep it down
    but you can’t help the excited twinges
    in your midriff, can you?
    😌(关键词 keep)
    Do keep well, angel.
    I shall say that to myself, as well.
    🔥(关键词 marriage)
    Marriage, my sweet, yes, l agree.
    What you wish l wish.

    第二部分: 逻辑记忆

    1 你害怕
    While you‘re afraid you will not be happy.We must get rid of these fears between us.
    2 我也害怕
    Although confidentially, l too am a little scared.
    3 为什么
    Everything in letters appears larger than life-size...like my photograph.
    4 原因(一)
    It didn’t show the white hairs beneath the dark, the decaying of the teeth, darkening face...
    5 原因(二)
    I think of my nasty characteristics
    and ordinariness.
    6 自我调节(一)
    Yes, l too feel a little afraid, but l can’t be bothered with that for l’m going to meet you.
    7 自我调节(二)
    Does anything else matter, Chris?

    8 畅想未来
    Oh dear, dear me , plan a week somewhere...
    up comes my heart.
    9 共度良辰
    A week by the sea with you.
    10 去哪儿呢
    Where should we go? Of course, l’d choose North Deven. Sea , country and air but...
    11 天气不行
    March raises the question of weather.
    12 换个地方
    Might we go to the largish town ?
    13 你开心就好
    I prefer villages normally, but I guess l’ll do what you want me to do.


    好治愈的段子 心都被萌化💕


    对整片内容进行分段 再概括一下来记

    1 预热
    I’m afraid John, l can’t congratulate you.
    2 爱
    All emotions, and in particular love,
    stand opposed to the pure cold reason
    l hold above all things.
    3 婚礼
    A wedding is in my considered opinion,
    nothing short of a celebration of all which is
    false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world.
    4 全人类
    Today we honor the deathwatch beetle
    that is the doom of our society
    and in time one feels certain our entire species.

    1 预热
    Anyway, let’s talk about John.
    2 傲娇
    If l burden myself with a little helpmate during my adventures, this is not out of sentiment or caprice.
    3 自恋
    It is that he has many good qualities of his own, and he has overlooked in his obsession with me.
    4 对比三重奏
    Indeed, any reputation l have
    for mental acuity and sharpness
    comes in truth from the extraordinary contrast1⃣️ John so selflessly provides.

    It is a fact, l believe, that brides tend to favor exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day.
    There’s a certain analogy2⃣️there I feel.

    And the contrast3⃣️ is, after all, God’s own plan
    to enhance the beauty of their own creation.
    (似乎没什么毛病 然而…)

    5 变本加厉
    Or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity
    for the family idiots.

    1⃣️The point I‘m trying to make it that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant.
    2⃣️And all round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet.
    3⃣️I am dismissive of the virtuous,
    4⃣️unaware of the beautiful 👀
    and uncomprehending in the face of the happy.

    So if I didn‘t understand I was being asked to be Best Man. It is because I never expected to be anybody’s best friend.

    And certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.

    自己是—— “anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet”
    而John是—— “I have ever had the good fortune of knowing”

    (小转折~)But as I am apparently your best friend,
    I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually now I can 🌈

    第五部分: 尾声

    1 愿Mary珍惜
    Mary, when l say you deserve this this man. It is the highest compliment of which l am capable.
    2 愿John珍惜
    ✨John you have endured war
    and injury and tragic loss.
    ✨So sorry again about that last one.
    ✨And know this, now you‘re sitting between
    the woman you have made your wife
    and the man you’ve saved.
    ✨In short the two people
    who love you most in all this world,
    3 戳泪点
    and I know I speak for Mary, as well,
    when I say we will never let you down
    and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.💕
    4 感动花生
    John: If l try and hug him.stop me.
    Mary: Certainly not.
    5 卖了个呆
    ✨Ah Here are some funny stories about John.
    ✨What’s wrong? What happened?
    Why are you all doing that? John?
    ✨Did l do it wrong?
    ✨John: No, you didn’t. Come here.
    ✨I haven’t finished yet.
    ✨John: I know. I know
    Can you wait until l sit down?
    —————————————————- •
    记得上周录这段👉夏洛克婚礼祝词 的时候
    没有一点准备直接上 每一句都是脱稿录音
    难度空前大 感觉给自己挖了个大坑哈哈哈

    因为Sherlock说话 时间较短 句子较长
    闭上眼睛说简直觉得不可能完成 一直卡
    然后通过这个经历真切感受到 量变到质变

    后来记不得说了多久 说了多少遍

    总共34页 每翻过一页都像翻过一座山😂


    这篇画面感超强 基本每一句都可以对应得上视频

    Hello sorry to hear that you have been hurt,
    l don’t think Kate caught your name.
    (有点忐忑)l’m so sorry, l’m...
    (一度看穿)It‘s always hard to remember the alias when you’ve had a fright, isn’t ?
    (取走纸条)Now we are both defrocked. Mr.Sherlock Holmes.
    (只看眼睛)Miss Adler, I presume.
    (犯职业病)Look at those cheekbones.l’d cut myself slapping that face. Would you like me to try
    (一度尴尬)Yes, this should do it...
    I‘ve missed something, haven’t l ?

    (招呼)Please, sit down or if you‘d like some tea I can call the maid.
    (不领情)I had some at the palace.
    (得意)l know.
    (二度尴尬)I had some tea to do, at the palace, if anyone‘s interested.

    (坐上沙发)Do you know the big problem with a disguise Mr.Holmes? However hard you try it’s always a self-portrait.
    (“How true of you” 这是Sherlock在后面对Adler说的 )

    (嗯哼)You think I am a vicar
    with a bleeding face?
    (二度看穿)No I think you are damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power.
    In your case, it‘s yourself.

    (看穿花生)And somebody loves you. Or if I had to punch that face, l’d avoid your nose and teeth too.
    (三度尴尬)Ha-ha, could you put something on please. Er...Anything at all. A napkin ?

    (心虚了吧)Why? are you feeling exposed?
    (机智解围)I don’t think John knows where to look.
    (才怪)I think he knows exactly where. I’m not sure about you.
    (还特地光明正大地站John面前是有多自信他一定猜不到the combination to the safe😂)

    (呵呵)If I was to look at a naked woman. I’d borrow John’s laptop.
    (拆台)You do borrow my laptop.
    🙃I confiscated it.

    (若非skilled driver如何精准看出measurements哈哈哈 这个难度应该是巨大的 不过我相信Sherlock的无所不能如同坚信不管师父被何方妖怪抓了去悟空都可以救出他来😂)

    👉(进入正题)Never mind. We have better things to talk about. Now tell me, I need to know...How was it done ?
    (咋死的)The hiker with the bashed-in head How was he killed ?
    (不告诉你)That’s not why l’m here.
    (三度看穿)No no no ...l know you‘re here for the photographs but that’s never gonna happen since we are here just chatting anyway.
    (厉害了)The story’s not out. How do you know about it?
    (奸笑)I know one of the policeman. Well, I know what he likes.
    (噢哟)And you ...like policeman ?
    (诱惑嗓)I like detective stories and detectives . Brainy is the new sexy.
    “Love is a dangerous disadvantage.“
    “This is just losing “💔

    (被夸得有点飘)The position car... Er....嘴瓢了
    The position of the car relative to the hiker, the time of the backfire, that the fact that the death blow was to the back of the head. That’s all you need to know.

    (告诉我)Ok, tell me. How was he murdered?
    (不告诉你)He wasn't.
    (别打岔)You don’t think it was a murder?
    (傲娇)I know it wasn‘t.
    (别卖关子了)How ?
    (得意)The same way that I know the victim was an excellent sportsman, recently returned from a foreign travel and that the photographs I’m looking for in this room.
    (快说啊)Ok.But how ?
    (就不告诉你)So they are in this room. Thank you.John, mind the door. Let no-one in.

    (Adler总共问了五个How~ Sherlock回答始终模棱两可 后来自己推出来了 “Brainy is the new sexy” 这话也像是她对自己说的😁)


    最后还是Adler自己动心了🍁当手机屏幕亮起 l am sher🔑locked 时她的眼泪就要滴下来 加上这个bgm 每次看这一段内心都很触动…👇



    Ah... as ever, Watson. You see but do not observe.

    To you, the world remains an impenetrable mystery, whereas to me it’s an open book. Hard logic versus romantic whimsy, that is your choice.

    You fail to connect actions to their consequences. Now, for the last time.

    If you want to keep the rattle,
    do not throw the rattle.

    第五篇:《The West End》

    觉得超级神奇 后来看了多米尼克的记忆书
    原来他们有一个记忆体系 00-99的数字编码表

    从原文中提取关键词 和编码绑定在一起
    就可以准确记住顺序了 理由自由造😂

    多感官刺激更有利于记忆 或可以加入内心感受

    The West End is one of London’s
    most fashionable and energetic neighborhoods.

    66蝌蚪 关键词name
    绑定:没有名字的蝌蚪 真惨
    And as it’s name implies,
    it’s located just west of old-town London.

    67油漆 关键词cafes
    绑定:咖啡馆里油漆味 真臭
    Chic boutiques, cozy cafes and noisy pubs
    are set in centuries-old buildings
    that line the narrow streets,

    68喇叭 关键词everywhere
    绑定:到处都是喇叭声 真吵
    everywhere you go,
    there are people out just having fun.

    69太极图 关键词Historically
    绑定:从前人们用太极图练功 真牛
    Historically the preserve of the rich and well-to-do, the West End once offered an escape from the smog and crowd of industrial London.

    70冰激凌 关键词Nowadays
    绑定:现在的冰激凌里面有水果 真好吃
    Nowadays, it’s open to everyone to enjoy.
    And the trendy shops and eateries
    bring in a youthful crowd.

    71鸡翼 关键词billboard
    绑定:广告牌上有只鸡在飞 真奇葩
    The glowing billboards in Piccadilly Circus
    are the most photographed sights in London,

    72企鹅 关键词nearby
    绑定:附近有群企鹅 真可爱
    and nearby Trafalgar Square
    is a favorite meeting spot
    with the National Gallery right next door.

    73花旗参 关键词main
    绑定:花旗参主要产自美国 切得真薄
    The West End is also London’s
    main theatrical district,
    and attracts stage shows from around the world.

    74骑士 关键词drinks
    绑定:骑士在马背上喝着饮料 真悠闲
    And bars and restaurants
    along fashionable Carnaby Street,
    hum with theatre-goers enjoying pre-show drinks.

    75西服 关键词exclusive
    绑定:量身定做西服 真高级
    From a once exclusive London gateway
    to a bustling retail and entertainment quarter,
    the West End is now one of the most
    popular corners of London.

    第六篇 Tiffany 珠宝💎

    76汽油 关键词Today
    ☘️Today, at this very moment,
    ☘️high above the main floor of Tiffany’s flagship store in New York City,
    ☘️are the most gifted hands on earth,
    the master craftsmen of Tiffany&Company.

    77机器人 关键词exactitude
    🌾It is their patience.
    🌾It is their exactitude.
    🌾It is the genius in their fingertips
    that sets them apart from other artisans.

    78青蛙 关键词equal
    Here are spellbinding details
    without equal anywhere.
    79气球 关键词generation
    Their skills and their tools,
    so often passed down
    from one generation to the next,

    80巴黎铁塔 关键词impossible
    捆绑:巴黎铁塔就算遭雷劈 也不可能会倒⚡️
    create designs of impossible intricacy
    and exquisite artistry,
    ( 注意💫intricacy 💫exquisite )

    81白蚁 关键词hand-made
    hand-made masterpieces
    that will demand years to complete.
    (注意hand-made和years的关联 手工需要花费很多时间💍)

    这里的complete也是本句的结束🔚 分了三段来记
    82靶儿 关键词Rare
    Rare one-of-a-kind creation,
    only possible from Tiffany.

    83芭蕉扇 关键词perfection
    捆绑:用芭蕉扇灭火焰山的火🔥 👈完美👉
    🌱All of these will honor Mr.Tiffany’s dream—-
    🌱the perfection of spectacular beauty.

    84巴士 关键词Dreamers
    🍃Dreamers are remarkable people.
    🍃They touch our lives;they touch our hearts in profound ways.

    这个段子 哈哈哈 好有新意🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
    接下来的任务不是复习咯 是开始新的记忆


    (数字➡️人物➡️地点➡️行为 按这个顺序安排)

    1 小公举 在码头⛵️捉蝴蝶🦋
    (因为很喜欢 戴西家码头的那盏绿灯 那段配音
    和 愿你我是蝴蝶 中印度腔英语哈哈哈)
    2 大王 在钢琴旁 🎹 唱歌🎤
    (由于他主页中的成名作 All of me 这首歌一点进去就是一架钢琴 )
    3 女王 在珠宝店💍打电话 ☎
    (蜜丝向的珠宝系列段子真的惊艳到我 她在 欢迎来到维也纳 中的电话配音也让人印象深刻)

    4 鱼儿 在田野里🌾摘玉米🌽
    (之前鱼儿发过一个节目说秋天到了要去摘玉米 作品会缓更 并附了一篇很棒的诗)
    5 Happy 在御花园💐 看书📚
    (在鱼儿节目中了解到Happiness 很喜欢如懿传 并且感觉他的文笔很不错)

    6 Insteed 在沙滩上🏖️ 打排球🏐️
    (他的香水广告配音里的尬笑惊艳到我…是在沙滩上拍的广告 他的头像感觉很活泼应该喜欢运动)
    7 D.Lampard 在绿茵地上🌱 播新闻📰
    (应该挺喜欢足球 几乎每天都很认真地播新闻 主播如果在草坪上看看球赛念念新闻也是蛮惬意的)

    8 小K 在冰场上⛸️三周跳💃
    (在日本学习 超级喜欢羽生结弦 本身也很会滑冰 已经会做很多花样滑冰的动作了 )
    9 北方的狼 在飞机上✈️ 喝咖啡☕️
    (最近在很多地方口译 斯里兰卡 巴基斯坦…还有各种口味的英语哈哈…喝咖啡提提神)
    0 淡香的十月 在大树下🌳拍照片📷
    (在鱼儿的节目中 看到她拍的绿荫大道和天空 让人内心放松 喜欢定格下生活中的美好瞬间)

    ———————————————————— •
    进入第一篇 l took your pulse

    1⃣️ 编码:小公举 在码头⛵️捉蝴蝶🦋
    关键词:pulse /dilated /chemistry /disguise
    绑定:小公举掐着脉搏 瞳孔放大 码头上有致命化学品 蝴蝶伪装成树叶

    🍀Because l took your pulse.
    🍀Elevated, your pupils dilated.
    🍀I imagine John Watson thinks love’s a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.
    🍀When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait—— How true of you.

    2⃣️ 编码:大王 在钢琴旁🎹 唱歌🎤
    关键词:measurement /heart /random
    绑定:大王三围 钢琴的心 唱歌随机

    ✨The combination to your safe, your measurements. But this is far more intimate.
    ✨This is your heart, and you should never let it rule your head.
    ✨You should have chosen any random number and walked out of here today with everything you worked for.

    3⃣️ 编码:女王 在珠宝店💍 打电话☎️
    关键词resist/dangerous /Thank /losing
    绑定:女王被控制 珠宝店很危险 感谢电话 不然输定了
    🍀You just couldn’t resist it, could you ?
    🍀 I have always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.
    🍀Thank you for the final proof.
    🍀This is just losing.

    可捆绑三个关键词 即三页魔方秀
    如果某一页特短 可以四页


    不过此段完全可以靠语言逻辑来记 哈哈哈🙈
    没关系 双保险比较靠谱( *`ω´)
    ————————————————— •
    在我的世界里 这段用逻辑是这么记的:
    1 你爱上我了
    Because l took your pulse.
    2 何以见得
    Elevated, your pupils dilated.
    3 别以为我不懂
    I imagine John Watson thinks love’s a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.

    4 瞅你第一眼
    When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait—- How true of you.
    5 就看透你
    The combination to your safe, your measurements. But this is far more intimate.
    6 承认吧
    This is your heart, and you should never let it rule your head.
    7 傻了吧
    You should have chosen any random number and walked out of here with everything you worked for
    8 没忍住
    You just couldn’t resist it, could you?

    9 我早已看破红尘
    I have always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.
    10 你却执迷不悟
    Thank you for the final proof.
    This is just losing.

    ———————————————————— •
    根据前几周的实战体验 现在喜欢的方式是


    记住和记熟 这其中的差别还是很大的



    自己觉得都记住了 实际上有遗漏的问题

    这时编码简直是坚强后盾 提供巨大安全感😆
    我对有趣好玩 天马行空 自由发挥的都记得牢哈哈

    当然 没有什么绝对可靠
    只要是记忆 都会随着时间流逝有偏差


    最后3⃣️再默 因为有些单词听得懂 读得对
    但是会拼错 默完再好好4⃣️对照看一遍
    ——————————————————- •
    还是挺偏爱Sherlock的 感觉没有多余镜头
    和多余台词 简洁有力 精彩无比

    回忆时整体思路都很清晰 而且耐人寻味

    两年一部的剧 几小时可以看完


    加油吧 小葵葵🌻🌻🌻

    1970-01-01   20赞       0踩       2035浏览 评论(15)
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